
Sanskrit: Surrendered/OFFERED TO THE DIVINE

[pronounciation] Ni-Veh-DEE-tah

My late father gave me this name, and in it, he encoded my life's purpose. Of course, I didn’t discover that until more than 3 decades later!

Now, I am indeed surrendered to the divine - “the sacred” that I know is within me, you, and each one of us all.

My Purpose is to help women just like you access this divinity hidden under all that life has thrown at you and all the coping you had to do and to ultimately enable you to embody this divine within you every day.

This means to help you wake up to your



I believe that YOU are beings of infinite potential.

YES, read that again. Everything you want is already there.

You can co-create the exact life you desire by accessing your inherent, most magnetic, and powerful self merely by removing all the blocks to it.

And that is the work I facilitate and lead with women just like you

I have surrendered my life to support your journey to the depths of your soul and your rising into your goddess potential!


My Journey



My story starts in the tropical south of India, in the garden city of Bengaluru. 

Born to a couple utterly in love, I was blessed to have my father for the first 3 years of my life. 

After his tragic passing, my sister, mom and I, moved to a small town to live with my maternal grandparents, uncles, and aunts. 

I was raised in this garden of love. 

The Vedic lifestyle was part of daily life in my grandparents’ home. 

Puja, Mantra, Rituals, Bhakti, Meditation, Breathwork, Bhajan, and Sattvic food all grounded us in Faith. 

Being immersed in this embodied devotion gave me the strength to cope with my father’s loss and filled me with a spark that still burns in my darkest times. 

When I was 4, my grandmother taught me a prayer to 3 goddesses

I still say this prayer every morning.



A few years later, our little family of 3 moved back to the big city Bengaluru as mom wanted us girls to have exposure to great schools and resources. 

Moving away from my emotional support village and feeling totally out of place in a big city school at 8, I remember grief taking hold of me.

Bullying in school was not severe, but I was super sensitive, and there I met shame

But the universe always throws you a lifeline — that year, I also met my BFF at the same school!



A few years later, my very progressive grandparents convinced my mom to marry again. Only this time, she wasn’t so lucky as to find love. 

Instead, the 3 of us had to endure almost 2 decades of living with an alcoholic. 

As my teens set in and I lost my grandmother, I felt ungrounded, disorganized, and unfocused — this was when I began to seek attention and validation from outside myself and my family.

I wanted to find love and attention, calm and peace in a romantic relationship. But I would choose to give my time and attention to someone who was emotionally unavailable, at the cost of my focus at school, my self-respect, and my self-care.


DETOUR from LAXMI begins

In abandoning myself, I stopped listening to my heart and its true wants and needs.

I disconnected from my Laxmi: the field of soul desires

In chasing after solutions for my wounded heart, I let go of the dreams that I wanted to pursue Architecture or Fashion Design. I convinced myself that my family would be better served if I pursued a stable career. 

So I went on to become a Software Engineer. 

Luckily, I was good at it. But, unluckily, I graduated right when the dot-com bubble burst! 

So, instead of getting stuck looking for a job, I decided to make the best of it by pursuing a master’s degree.

Part of me wanted to realize my full potential in this field and the other wanted to leave all the drama behind — so I moved to the US.



Between Mother India & Father America, I learned to choose myself.

The time at grad school pursuing my Master’s in Computer Science was a roller coaster, and I had to face it alone.

I had never been more than a few days away from my sister and mom, and here I was with a one-way ticket to a place a million miles away. There was emotional turmoil, but the gratitude I had for mom’s best friend — who let me get a study loan on her home — gave me the responsibility to finish what I started and keep going.

I faced racism and a hurricane that almost wiped out my school. I had no scholarship, and there were not many on-campus jobs.

I wouldn’t have gotten through any of this without my other best friend from undergrad, who also studied with me, an amazing group of new friends, and people I now have come to call my human angels.

This laid the foundation of deep faith that I am held and supported and loved by the universe.

However, I was still manifesting emotionally unavailable relationships but not even knowing what that word was at the time, I began to believe that I was broken, so shut my heart down, and became super focused, goal-oriented, and ambitious. 

I felt I was GROWING UP.



My hard work landed me in my dream company — now, there was no looking back!

I felt abundant, now able to take care of the study loan and my family. Being independent in a big city, working a dream job, I began to know the real me. I pursued hobbies, made my own little home and a big tribe of awesome friends, and began to travel. I felt free and empowered.

My trust in life and myself soared, and it was from this place I attracted the man who is now my husband. 

I met a gorgeous man and we fell in love, got married, and honeymooned in palaces and on remote islands.

We bought a beautiful waterfront home, traveled the world, and pursued our careers really hard. We both loved what we did and loved the intensity of the tech world.

Our weekends were filled with friends, good food, and road trips

I was knocking on wood. Was this really my life? I felt like an imposter in my own life.


The “Wake Up” Call

We are always manifesting with our subconscious. Our subconscious beliefs are stronger than our will power. The unattended wounded inner child in us brought it all rolling down.

The patterns normalized by my subconscious were drama and pain. It had me convinced that my partner did not love me.

My wounded self sometimes used emotional distancing via being distracted in shopping, travel, shallow social circles that would validate my victim stories, and OVER WORKING.

At other times, I went into over-giving, self-abandonment, poor boundaries, crossing boundaries, going straight into victimhood, and constantly testing for love — all things to prove how unlovable I was.

We manifest partners who make us look at the parts of us we have abandoned. This process is unpleasant, ugly even.

Because, just like mine, his inner child had things ripe to be resolved, so we both triggered each other a lot and lived in the shallow, and yet, we wouldn't give up. We both knew that we loved each other and what was at play didn’t feel like us, but some shadows that come out and play on our behalf.

Our good times always outlasted these, and we stayed and rumbled in the arena of love.

I was burning out with overworking, and I could no longer compartmentalize my emotional unrest and work. My body took the brunt of the high-stress states along with the coffee and croissants diet that I used to brag about.

Extreme fatigue, depression, brain fog, short-term memory loss, and emotional turmoil were all happening inside me as I delivered the most ambitious project at work.

I learned that I had done it at the cost of rubbing people the wrong way, losing the trust of people who had championed me all along.

I knew I was completely out of alignment — Mind, Body, and Soul. I was unhappy at work, at home, and in my body.

I wanted to disappear.

Instead, I decided to quit my job to sleep, eat, and just be with myself. A friend suggested therapy, and I said why not be counter-culture (to my Indian side) and went into it.

My therapist brought my attention to my body first. A week later, my doctor declared I had full-on adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto’s, and was pre-diabetic…

Holy F!! How? I was the skinny brown girl in class who used to get yelled at for running (and not walking) in the corridors, whose mother used to consult the doc about why I would not put on weight. Now I had no energy and was borderline obese?!!

Now, I wanted to quit my marriage too and go travel the world.

But that voice whispered to me — “You can’t run away from yourself.” Another whispered, “Where am I going wrong?“ and the other, “Oh god, help me!“


Meeting my SPIRITUAL Sherpa



As if the universe was just waiting for the cue, a few days later, I met a radiant warm-hearted lady across the room at a friend's home. She became a Spiritual Sherpa to me, my Life Coach. And so began my inner journey.

I was so new to this inner work land that words like shadow, energy, inner child, and boundaries made me think, “have I been living under a rock all my life?”

But, I knew this is what I needed. It was different from all the “advice” friends and family were giving me. I was in the driver’s seat and finding real reasons behind the repeating patterns.

I began taking responsibility in creating my reality, started seeing the illusion of the ego that created separation from love, the subconscious patterns I had developed to cope with my childhood. It felt like I was taking on a mountain, but I had my sherpa. It was not easy, but the only way out was IN!

This was a deep initiation into my journey back from illusions and subconscious blocks to my CORE, my TRUTH, and my HEART. It was the awakening of my inner SARASWATI, my inner guide, and my connection to SOUL and SOURCE. The more I honored her, the more my reality around me shifted!


Resurrecting LAXMI

As I surrendered more with the intention to heal, the universe connected me to new tools and new teachers.

This vibration of love within me, for myself, helped me do the deep healing my Inner child needed. I got to know my inner LAXMI, the vibration of my soul desires and unconditional love, and the sacred body temple she embodies.

As I leaned into loving myself - healing my wounds, accepting and integrating all parts of me — even the ones I had previously not loved — the love in my relationship mirrored it.

I was on the path to freedom. I felt different after many years of feeling like I was sinking. While tending to my emotional health, I had also started to connect and listen to my body. Building foundational pillars to my health and wellbeing around nutrition, sleep, movement, pleasure, and meditation slowly shifted my body out of adrenal fatigue. I got a handle on my Hashimoto’s and started to feel the energy for life and all the things I once loved.

I understood that beneath all that hurt and exhaustion, a very loving and powerful version of myself was extending her hand to me. The journey from the illusion of fear and ego back to love, my most vibrant body, my heart, its abundance, and back to my desires began.

I had indeed met my INNER LAXMI.


Resurrecting SHAKTI

It took over 1.5 years to get to this new place with my mind and body — the stage I now call the awakening of my SARASWATI and LAXMI.

As my Laxmi came back online, it definitely activated my field of desire and dreams. I was ready to get back into the tech world and really enjoy building great products. I was also ready to take my life to a new place within my relationship.

I was now grounded in my worth, and it showed in the kind of work I desired and manifested. I got to work in the top startups in the industry and got so much joy from being back to leading people and teams to deliver their best.

The only thing different now was that I checked in with my inner guide at all times, I led my work differently. I developed more awareness of my body’s needs. I had learned how to set boundaries. I felt my inner CEO coming out and playing. I found great opportunities coming to me. I was leading with a feminine edge. Co-creating and with more emotional intelligence. And I wanted to do this more widely and deeply.

By now, I knew that any soul desire revealed to me had to be honored to stay in alignment with my highest self. So that is what I did!

Remember that prayer my grandmother taught me at 4? 

I was still using it to bring the 3 goddesses alive in the palm of my hand every morning, even after all these years. 

I started to integrate them as the 3 aspects of myself, and what I now call the Goddess Qualia Method showed up within me.

While working in tech, I observed successful women who seem to have it all and observed how their feminine aspects showed up and led.

On the side, now that my life and love reflected the inner integrity and healing, I was being brought into conversations and situations with my friends and family where I could serve them using the Goddess Qualia Method of healing and got amazing feedback. In addition, that desire to serve deeply and widely became louder.

I realized I was in the zone of my gift and my passion again. I knew that I wanted to do nothing more than to be a practitioner of this path. And the best way to be in practice is to teach and stay embodied. So that led to me quitting my tech career one fine day, making a huge leap.

The net appeared as I leaped — the right people and mentors again showed up for my growth. I was resonating with women who needed this work as much as I did just a few short years back. So I dedicated myself to deepening my skills in transformation and going deeper into embodying the various aspects of the feminine to keep bringing the cutting-edge technology of being an EMBODIED GODDESS to women all over.





Creating the Goddess Qualia Method led to a new beginning. 

At the end of 2018, I launched my beta course, Awaken. 

2019 was about group workshops and refining the tools, as I coached friends and family, along with a lot more clients.

THEN 2020 hit ...

We were all sent home to sit in silence, reflect, and intentionally create our lives. So that is what I did. 

2020 was about bringing in new tools to my coaching — NLP, EFT, Hypnotherapy, and Aroma Release and Healing. 

This has created even more magical results within Goddess Qualia Coaching. 

Many women experienced massive shifts in their lives as I introduced these tools into their SADHANA (1:1 coaching).

I cannot wait to share these transformative tools with you to assist your healing and support your RISING into your Goddess Qualia!!





Life is always happening for you and through you and not just to you!  


And I am here to show you how.

If you can’t wait to start living your most luscious life led from your deepest truth and desires, then get in touch. 

We will co-create your Goddess Qualia!


Are you Ready?


Sometimes, that looks like getting the support you need to see what’s really holding you back. 

To face your shadow, your wounds, your patterns, and take responsibility for healing them.


Sister, before we part…

Most of us are steeped in the masculine paradigm that makes us think: “I should be able to figure this out myself.” 

Sometimes, our nearest and dearest don’t support going to a therapist or hiring a coach. 

It’s up to you to continue to feel unsupported and feed the lone wolf mindset of the ego OR surrender to the call in your heart to be deeply supported by someone who has walked the path.

Someone who has the tools to help you and brings them to you in a loving container so you can start living the life you came here to live. 

You deserve it.

I’m committed to helping you find your most expansive, magnetic, and powerful self.