Hi There!



Connection for the sake of real connection: Thats my core need! I love to meet people and get to know them more than meets the eye. I have met some of my soul peeps as strangers on trains and plains, cause I like to listen and connect. So getting a connective note from you here would definitely put a tiny sparkle in my eye.

You know that song “.. And words are all I have to take your heart away..da da da da da da.. ” , I really believe it. Words truly can reach the heart like nothing else. Specially us women, words have a place in our hearts like no other! Our words connect us, sometimes it’s destiny to just follow a whim and connect… Just to find a business collaborator or a kindred spirit sister or make friends for a lifetime OR whatever the universe wants you to receive!

So what I am trying to say is we don’t know where this path will take us but I am sure if you are reading and still here, you have something you want to talk to me about…. I am waiting to hear it. Nothing is small or big, just start writing and the right words will flow.


What’s on your Heart, Hummingbird?